Monday, April 12, 2010

What does it mean?

Last blog I posed the question "What does it mean to follow?" I began to answer that, and will continue to!!

To follow. When I choose to follow, I choose to follow Jesus. To follow him like he commanded the disciples to follow him in Mark Chapter 1 vs. 17: Jesus said "Come follow me, and I will make you fish for people." He was calling these fishermen to follow him. Now, if some man came along and said this to me while I was fishing--I think I would have a hard time doing what Simon and Andrew did. They immediately left their nets and followed him (vs. 18). They gave up their life to follow this man that they really did not know. What a sacrifice. I mean I would be thinking "huh, follow you...follow you where? and you will make me what? I don't get it." But these men, they did it immediately and as far as we know, they didn't really object. I would guess that they were leaving their families' business of fishing--so they were being asked to not only leave their job, but to leave their family, and again, I want to remind you they did it IMMEDIATELY. The comfort and security that they had would be left behind. They were ready to throw off the things that would get in their way of following where Jesus was leading.

This is what I am seeking to do, I am trying my best to throw off that which entangles me and fully trust in what Jesus is doing in my life. Hebrews 12:1 says "We have around us many people whose lives tell us what faith means. So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should REMOVE from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back."

Several years ago, Randy and I both felt God's call on our lives. A call towards full-time ministry. This call was the beginning of a very interesting journey. Jesus has since said follow me and leave your comforts and security. Randy left his job, we moved from our home of 3 years to a 2 room mostly finished basement. We left the comfort of money, friends and a nice home. We put most of our belongings in storage, and we set off on our journey. Again and again we have been asked to trust that God will provide and Jesus will shepherd us and lead us along the path he has called us to. Randy is pursuing Bible school full time and I am looking to join him part time. We are choosing to follow where God is leading us, whatever, whenever and however that is.

Have you been asked to leave comfort and security? I have. And I know that when I choose to follow....when I choose to follow Jesus, I will continually be asked to leave behind the worldly comfort and security, and be asked to trust in Jesus, not in money, not in the things that are in this world, but to trust in the man that calls us to "follow him". The man that left his heavenly home to come join our world and to die so that we can again be in fellowship with God. I don't know about you, but when Jesus asks me to follow him, I want to be able to drop everything like Andrew and Simon did and say "OK Jesus, I trust you and trust what you say. Here I come. I am ready for what you have for me."

I would like to share the last big bump/twist/stop sign (whatever you want to call it) in our life and will in the next blog!

Thanks for reading


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